Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Month 13: Jiggle Bells in Vegas

 Dear Lydia, 
In December the West family went down to Vegas together to see Tyra in a cheer tournament. The day we drove down was the same day as the attack on Sandy Hook Elementary. So sad. I so hope to protect you from anything that could happen to you. Later that night an employee of our Hotel was shot and killed in the lobby and then the man who killed her killed himself. 10 min before we walked with you into the hotel. I am so sorry this world is so scary. There are somethings we can do to keep ourselves in safe situations. Our job is just to try our best to stand in holy places. Bad things will still happen to good people but we can lower our own odds. I love you girl. I want your life to be happy and safe. I will teach you by example the best I can and I will always hope and pray that you will make all the safe choices you can. Look how precious you are. You will always be that way to me. Here are some good things that happened that month. 

Those tricky boots
Learning to walk.

You needed a nap right in the middle of the cheer show. Your such a cute, and sweaty, sleeper.
Here we all are at the Venetian.
 One more.
 And then there was this one.
 Nice gang signs Lyds.
 You always play with books instead of toys. 
 And boxes instead of toys. 

Love you more than anything. 
Love Mommy

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